Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Home away from home

Here is a photo of the front of our house in Accra. It is very white with lots of outdoor sitting areas. Six stoops, patios and porches last time I checked. The inside is even brighter white. Kinda hard to believe. I haven't yet taken time to name every room similar to our house in DC, simply because they all kinda look alike.

Hidden around the corner inside the wall is a small driveway. If/when our car ever arrives, this is where we'll find it. For now, we enjoy grand entries on our bikes...before hoisting them through the front door.

The gardner Emanuel has been keeping up with the gardening very nicely. I guess it is a year round gig for him since there really is not any big seasonal change. There is a papaya tree in the rear that we're keeping an eye on. Not sure if we wait for them to fall to the ground, or if I need to send SJD scampering up the trunk to retrieve them.

Right now it may just look like an ice cube tray full of mud, but just wait! Today I started a few seeds for our tomato plot. If tomatos like hot and humid, then they'll like Accra.

Or, I could also just walk around the corner to buy some fresh ones.

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